# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from datetime import timedelta, time, datetime
from khayyam.algorithms import get_gregorian_date_from_julian_day
import khayyam
from khayyam.formatting import JalaliDatetimeFormatter, AM_PM, AM_PM_ASCII
from khayyam.helpers import force_encoded_string_output
__author__ = 'vahid'
[docs]class JalaliDatetime(khayyam.JalaliDate):
Inherited from :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDate`.
Represent a moment in :doc:`/persiancalendar`.
The first parameter can be an integer,
:py:class:`datetime.date`, :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDate`,
:py:class:`datetime.datetime` or :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime`.
You may create this object by passing `julian_day` parameter.
:param year: jalali year
:param month: 1-12
:param day: 1-31
:param hour: 0-23
:param minute: 0-59
:param second: 0-59
:param microsecond: 0-999999
:param tzinfo: Timezone info
:param julian_day:
:type year: :py:class:`int` | :py:class:`datetime.date` | :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDate`
:type month: int
:type day: int
:type hour: int
:type minute: int
:type second: int
:type microsecond: int
:type tzinfo: :py:class:`datetime.tzinfo` | callable
:type julian_day: int
:return: An object representing a moment persian calendar.
:rtype: :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime`
#: Represent the earlier moment which supported by this class.
min = (khayyam.MINYEAR, 1, 1)
#: Represent the last moment which supported by this class.
max = (khayyam.MAXYEAR, 12, 29, 23, 59, 59, 999999)
resolution = timedelta(microseconds=1)
def __init__(self, year=1, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0,
microsecond=0, tzinfo=None, julian_day=None):
if callable(tzinfo):
tzinfo = tzinfo()
if isinstance(year, JalaliDatetime):
year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond = \
year.year, year.month, year.day, year.hour, year.minute, year.second, year.microsecond
elif isinstance(year, datetime):
hour, minute, second, microsecond = year.hour, year.minute, year.second, year.microsecond
if not tzinfo:
tzinfo = year.tzinfo
khayyam.JalaliDate.__init__(self, year=year, month=month, day=day, julian_day=julian_day)
self._time = time(hour, minute, second, microsecond, tzinfo)
# Properties #
def hour(self):
:getter: Returns the hour
:type: int
return self._time.hour
def minute(self):
:getter: Returns the minute
:type: int
return self._time.minute
def second(self):
:getter: Returns the second
:type: int
return self._time.second
def microsecond(self):
:getter: Returns the microsecond
:type: int
return self._time.microsecond
def tzinfo(self):
:getter: Returns the timezone info
:type: :py:class:`datetime.tzinfo`
return self._time.tzinfo
[docs] @classmethod
def now(cls, tz=None):
If optional argument tz is :py:obj:`None` or not specified, this is like today(), but,
if possible, supplies more precision than can be gotten from going through a
:py:func:`time.time()` timestamp (for example,
this may be possible on platforms supplying the C gettimeofday() function).
Else tz must be an instance of a :py:class:`datetime.tzinfo` subclass,
and the current date and time are converted to tz's time zone.
In this case the result is equivalent to `tz.fromutc(JalaliDatetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=tz))`.
See also :py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDate.today` and :py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.utcnow`.
:param tz: :py:class:`datetime.tzinfo` The optional timezone to get current local date & time.
:return: the current local date and time
:rtype: :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime`
return cls(datetime.now(tz))
[docs] @classmethod
def utcnow(cls):
This is like :py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.now`, but returns the current
UTC date and time, as a naive datetime object.
:return: The current UTC date and time, with tzinfo None.
:rtype: :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime`
return cls(datetime.utcnow())
[docs] @classmethod
def fromtimestamp(cls, timestamp, tz=None):
Creates a new :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime` instance from the given posix timestamp.
If optional argument tz is :py:obj:`None` or not specified, the timestamp is converted to
the platform's local date and time, and the returned datetime object is naive.
Else tz must be an instance of a class :py:class:`datetime.tzinfo` subclass,
and the timestamp is converted to tz's time zone. In this case the result is
equivalent to `tz.fromutc(JalaliDatetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).replace(tzinfo=tz))`.
This method may raise `ValueError`, if the timestamp is out of the range of values
supported by the platform C localtime() or gmtime() functions.
It's common for this to be restricted to years in 1970 through 2038.
Note that on non-POSIX systems that include leap seconds in their
notion of a timestamp, leap seconds are ignored by fromtimestamp(), and then
it's possible to have two timestamps differing by a second that yield
identical datetime objects. See also :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.utcfromtimestamp`.
.. testsetup:: api-datetime-fromtimestamp
import khayyam
from khayyam import JalaliDatetime
.. doctest:: api-datetime-fromtimestamp
>>> JalaliDatetime.fromtimestamp(1313132131.21232)
khayyam.JalaliDatetime(1390, 5, 21, 11, 25, 31, 212320, Jomeh)
:param timestamp: float the posix timestamp, i.e 1014324234.23423423.
:param tz: :py:class:`datetime.tzinfo` The optional timezone to get local date & time from the given timestamp.
:return: The local date and time corresponding to the POSIX timestamp, such as is returned by :py:func:`time.time()`.
:rtype: :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime`
return cls(datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=tz))
[docs] @classmethod
def utcfromtimestamp(cls, timestamp):
This may raise ValueError, if the timestamp is
out of the range of values supported by the platform C gmtime()
function. It's common for this to be restricted to years in 1970
through 2038. See also :py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.fromtimestamp`.
:return: The UTC datetime corresponding to the POSIX timestamp,
with tzinfo None.
:rtype: :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime`
return cls(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp))
[docs] @classmethod
def fromordinal(cls, ordinal):
Return the jalali datetime corresponding to the proleptic jalali ordinal,
where Farvardin 1 of year 1 has ordinal 1. ValueError is
raised unless 1 <= ordinal <= JalaliDatetime.max.toordinal(). The hour, minute, second
and microsecond of the result are all 0, and tzinfo is None.
return cls.min + timedelta(days=ordinal - 1)
[docs] @classmethod
def combine(cls, date, _time):
Return a new jalali datetime object whose date members are equal to the given date object's, and whose _time
and tzinfo members are equal to the given _time object's.
For any datetime object d, d == datetime.combine(d.date(), d.timetz()). If date is a datetime object, its _time
and tzinfo members are ignored.
:param date: :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDate` the date object to combine.
:param _time: :py:class:`datetime.time` the time object to combine.
:return: the combined jalali date & time object.
:rtype: :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime`
if isinstance(date, (JalaliDatetime, khayyam.JalaliDate)):
date = date.todate()
return cls(datetime.combine(date, _time))
[docs] @classmethod
def strptime(cls, date_string, fmt):
Return a :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime` corresponding to *date_string*, parsed according to format.
ValueError is raised if the *date_string* and format can’t be parsed with
:py:class:`khayyam.formatting.JalaliDatetimeFormatter` instance returned by
:py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.formatterfactory` method.
:param date_string: str The representing date & time in specified format.
:param fmt: str The format string.
:return: Jalali datetime object.
:rtype: :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime`
result = cls.formatterfactory(fmt).parse(date_string)
result = {
k: v for k, v in result.items() if k in (
'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'microsecond', 'tzinfo'
return cls(**result)
[docs] def todatetime(self):
Converts the current instance to the python builtins :py:class:`datetime.datetime` instance.
:return: the new :py:class:`datetime.datetime` instance representing the current date and time in gregorian calendar.
:rtype: :py:class:`datetime.datetime`
arr = get_gregorian_date_from_julian_day(self.tojulianday())
return datetime(int(arr[0]), int(arr[1]), int(arr[2]), self.hour, self.minute, self.second, self.microsecond,
[docs] def date(self):
Return date object with same year, month and day.
:rtype: :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDate`
return khayyam.JalaliDate(self.year, self.month, self.day)
[docs] def time(self):
Return time object with same hour, minute, second and microseconds. tzinfo is :py:obj:`None`. See also
method :py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.timetz()`.
:rtype: :py:class:`datetime.time`
return time(self.hour, self.minute, self.second, self.microsecond)
[docs] def timetz(self):
Return time object with same hour, minute, second, microsecond, and tzinfo attributes. See also
method :py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.time()`.
:rtype: :py:class:`datetime.time`
return time(self.hour, self.minute, self.second, self.microsecond, self.tzinfo)
[docs] def replace(self, year=None, month=None, day=None, hour=None,
minute=None, second=None, microsecond=None, tzinfo=None):
Return a :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime` instance with the same attributes, except for those attributes
given new values by whichever keyword arguments are specified. Note that tzinfo=None can be specified to create
a naive datetime from an aware datetime with no conversion of date and time data, without adjusting the date
the and time based tzinfo.
:param year: int
:param month: int
:param day: int
:param hour: int
:param minute: int
:param second: int
:param microsecond: int
:param tzinfo: :py:class:`datetime.tzinfo`
:rtype: :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime`
year, month, day = self._validate(
year if year else self.year,
month if month else self.month,
day if day else self.day
result = JalaliDatetime(
self.hour if hour is None else hour,
self.minute if minute is None else minute,
self.second if second is None else second,
self.microsecond if microsecond is None else microsecond,
tzinfo if tzinfo != self.tzinfo else self.tzinfo
return result
[docs] def astimezone(self, tz):
Return a :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime` object with new :py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.tzinfo` attribute
tz, adjusting the date and time data so the result is the same UTC time as self, but in *tz*‘s local time.
*tz* must be an instance of a :py:class:`datetime.tzinfo` subclass, and
its :py:meth:`datetime.tzinfo.utcoffset()` and :py:meth:`datetime.tzinfo.dst()` methods must not
return :py:obj:`None`. *self* must be aware (`self.tzinfo` must not be `None`, and `self.utcoffset()` must
not return `None`).
If `self.tzinfo` is `tz`, `self.astimezone(tz)` is equal to `self`: no adjustment of date or time data is
performed. Else the result is local time in time zone `tz`, representing the same UTC time as `self`:
after `astz = dt.astimezone(tz), astz - astz.utcoffset()` will usually have the same date and time data as
`dt - dt.utcoffset()`. The discussion of class :py:class:`datetime.tzinfo` explains the cases at Daylight
Saving Time transition boundaries where this cannot be achieved (an issue only if `tz` models both
standard and daylight time).
If you merely want to attach a time zone object `tz` to a datetime dt without adjustment of date and time data,
use `dt.replace(tzinfo=tz)`. If you merely want to remove the time zone object from an aware datetime dt
without conversion of date and time data, use `dt.replace(tzinfo=None)`.
Note that the default :py:meth:`datetime.tzinfo.fromutc()` method can be overridden in a
:py:class:`datetime.tzinfo` subclass to affect the result returned
by :py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.astimezone()`. Ignoring error
cases, :py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.astimezone()` acts like:
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 3,5
def astimezone(self, tz): # doctest: +SKIP
if self.tzinfo is tz:
return self
if self.tzinfo:
utc = self - self.utcoffset()
utc = self
return tz.fromutc(utc.replace(tzinfo=tz))
:param tz: :py:class:`datetime.tzinfo`
:rtype: :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime`
if self.tzinfo is tz:
return self
if self.tzinfo:
utc = self - self.utcoffset()
utc = self
return tz.fromutc(utc.replace(tzinfo=tz))
[docs] def utcoffset(self):
If :py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.tzinfo` is :py:obj:`None`, returns :py:obj:`None`, else
returns `self.tzinfo.utcoffset(self)`, and raises an exception if the latter doesn’t return :py:obj:`None`,
or a :py:class:`datetime.timedelta` object representing a whole number of minutes with magnitude less than one
:rtype: :py:class:`datetime.timedelta`
if self.tzinfo:
return self.tzinfo.utcoffset(self)
return None
[docs] def dst(self):
If :py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.tzinfo` is :py:obj:`None`, returns :py:obj:`None`, else returns
`self.tzinfo.dst(self)`, and raises an exception if the latter doesn’t return :py:obj:`None`, or
a :py:class:`datetime.timedelta` object representing a whole number of minutes with magnitude less than one day.
:rtype: :py:class:`datetime.timedelta`
if self.tzinfo:
return self.tzinfo.dst(self)
return None
[docs] def tzname(self):
If :py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.tzinfo` is :py:obj:`None`, returns :py:obj:`None`, else returns
`self.tzinfo.tzname(self)`, raises an exception if the latter doesn’t return:py:obj:`None`or a string object.
:rtype: str
if self.tzinfo:
return self.tzinfo.tzname(self)
return None
def _ensure_jalali_datetime(x):
if not isinstance(x, JalaliDatetime):
raise TypeError('Comparison just allow with JalaliDatetime')
[docs] def copy(self):
It's equivalent to:
.. testsetup:: api-datetime-copy
from khayyam import JalaliDatetime
.. doctest:: api-datetime-copy
>>> source_date = JalaliDatetime(1394, 3, 24, 10, 2, 3, 999999)
>>> JalaliDatetime(source_date.year, source_date.month, source_date.day, source_date.hour, source_date.minute, source_date.second, source_date.microsecond)
khayyam.JalaliDatetime(1394, 3, 24, 10, 2, 3, 999999, Yekshanbeh)
:return: A Copy of the current instance.
:rtype: :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime`
return JalaliDatetime(
self.year, self.month, self.day,
self.hour, self.minute, self.second, self.microsecond,
[docs] def hour12(self):
Return The hour value between `1-12`. use :py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.ampm()` or
:py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.ampmascii()` to determine `ante meridiem` and or `post meridiem`
:rtype: int
res = self.hour
if res > 12:
res -= 12
elif res == 0:
res = 12
return res
[docs] def ampm(self):
:rtype: str
:return: The 'ق.ظ' or 'ب.ظ' to determine `ante meridiem` and or `post meridiem`
if self.hour < 12:
return AM_PM[0]
return AM_PM[1]
[docs] def ampmascii(self):
:rtype: str
:return: The 'AM' or 'PM' to determine `ante meridiem` and or `post meridiem`
if self.hour < 12:
return AM_PM_ASCII[0]
return AM_PM_ASCII[1]
[docs] def dayofyear(self):
Return the day of year (1-[365, 366]).
:rtype: int
return (self.date() - khayyam.JalaliDate(self.year, 1, 1)).days + 1
[docs] def __unicode__(self):
Return the default :py:class:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime` representation.
.. testsetup:: api-datetime-__unicode__
from __future__ import print_function
from khayyam import JalaliDatetime, TehranTimezone
.. doctest:: api-datetime-__unicode__
>>> print(JalaliDatetime(1394, 3, 24, 10, 2, 3, 999999, tzinfo=TehranTimezone).__unicode__())
khayyam.JalaliDatetime(1394, 3, 24, 10, 2, 3, 999999, tzinfo=+03:30 dst:60, Yekshanbeh)
return 'khayyam.JalaliDatetime(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s%s, %s)' % (
', tzinfo=%s' % self.tzinfo.__unicode__() if self.tzinfo else '',
__repr__ = force_encoded_string_output(__unicode__)
[docs] def __str__(self):
The same as :py:meth:`khayyam.JalaliDatetime.isoformat(sep=' ')`.
:rtype: str
return self.isoformat(sep=' ')
def __add__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, timedelta):
return JalaliDatetime(x + self.todatetime())
raise TypeError('JalaliDatetime object can added by timedelta or JalaliDate object')
def __sub__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, timedelta):
return JalaliDatetime(self.todatetime() - x)
elif isinstance(x, JalaliDatetime):
return self.todatetime() - x.todatetime()
elif isinstance(x, khayyam.JalaliDate):
return self.todatetime() - JalaliDatetime(x).todatetime()
raise TypeError('JalaliDatetime object can added by timedelta, JalaliDatetime or JalaliDate object')
def __lt__(self, x):
return self.todatetime() < x.todatetime()
def __le__(self, x):
return self.todatetime() <= x.todatetime()
def __hash__(self):
return hash((
def __eq__(self, x):
if not x:
return False
if isinstance(x, datetime):
return self.todatetime().__eq__(x)
elif isinstance(x, JalaliDatetime):
return hash(self) == hash(x)
raise TypeError('Comparison only allowed with JalaliDatetime and datetime.datetime objects.')
def __gt__(self, x):
return self.todatetime() > x.todatetime()
def __ge__(self, x):
return self.todatetime() >= x.todatetime()
# # Class attributes
JalaliDatetime.min = JalaliDatetime(*JalaliDatetime.min)
JalaliDatetime.max = JalaliDatetime(*JalaliDatetime.max)