Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
from .base import Directive
from .persian import PersianNumberDirective, persian_to_eng
from datetime import timedelta
from khayyam.timezones import Timezone
__author__ = 'vahid'

[docs]class UTCOffsetDirective(Directive): """ Representing offset from UTC. only for timezone-aware instances. """ def format(self, d): if not d.tzinfo: return '' seconds = d.utcoffset().total_seconds() return '%s%.2d:%.2d' % ( '+' if seconds >= 0 else '-', int(seconds / 3600), int((seconds % 3600) / 60), ) def post_parser(self, ctx, formatter): exp = ctx[] if exp.strip() == '': return regex = '(?P<posneg>[-+]?)(?P<hour>\d{2}):(?P<minute>\d{2})' match = re.match(regex, exp) d = match.groupdict() posneg = lambda i: 0 - i if d['posneg'] == '-' else i hours = int(d['hour']) minutes = int(d['minute']) if not hours and not minutes: return ctx.update(dict(tzinfo=Timezone(timedelta( hours = posneg(hours), minutes = posneg(minutes) ))))
[docs]class PersianUTCOffsetDirective(PersianNumberDirective): """ Representing offset from UTC in persian form. only for timezone-aware instances. """ def format(self, d): if not d.tzinfo: return '' seconds = d.utcoffset().total_seconds() return super(PersianUTCOffsetDirective, self).format('%s%.2d:%.2d' % ( '+' if seconds >= 0 else '-', int(seconds / 3600), int((seconds % 3600) / 60), )) def post_parser(self, ctx, formatter): exp = ctx[] if exp.strip() != '': ctx['utcoffset'] = persian_to_eng(exp)
[docs]class TimezoneNameDirective(Directive): """ Representing the timezone name. only for timezone-aware instances. """ def format(self, d): if d.tzinfo: return d.tzname() return ''